Shape Study Introduction

The Importance of Shapes in Our Work

by Craig Orkney

Primarily as the result of WWII, the records for many of the glass houses originally located in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and subsequently in Czechoslovakia post WWI were destroyed. Much of the knowledge we have regarding Loetz was unknown until the discovery of a large quantity of production records found in 1989. There is a small archive of information regarding Kralik production which is currently locked by Czech Republic legislation which sealed many records at the end of the Communist regime in an effort to prevent asset stripping within the country by foreign entities. The legislation was a blanket legislation. The records contained in the sealed archives will become accessible in 2090.

In the absence of production records from most of the companies covered in this site, methods of studying production characteristics of different glass houses were needed. In many cases there are decors which have been identified as markers for a particular house. A marker being a production trait or characteristic not found to be used by any other manufacturer.

In the more common situation where decors may be similar and hard to distinguish solely by the appearance of the glass, we have used the premise that most glass houses had a catalog of shapes they used. These shapes were also used in different sizes. Although there may be some sharing of very common shapes between the companies, the study of the shapes has proven valuable in identifying the decors produced by many houses. In many cases the use of shapes has led to the attribution of decors which may have otherwise gone without being attributed to a house.

We will try to provide as many catalogs of shapes as we can for each house.

The pages linked below are some examples used when making attributions, or correcting what we believe are previous attribution mistakes made by us or other researchers.

If you feel we have made a mistake, or have additional information regarding an attribution on this site, please feel free to contact us with any pertinent information.



